Posted in English

EX.16. P. 148.

1)I live at 24 Primrose Street.

2)My mother lives in a big block of flats in London.

3) Janet s flat is on the ground floor.

4)” Where is the toilet,please?”on the seqond floor.”

5) “Is there a doctor near here?” “Yes, at 17 High Street.”

6) They lived in AMERICA at 1990.


1)Mrs. Crook lives in a block of flats.

2)Mrs. Crook looks at the window of Mr. Copley’s house.

3)Mrs. Crook is sure the man in the kitchen is not Mr. Copley.

4)Mrs. Crook thought that the man was a burglar.

5)The burglar takes something out of the fridge and out of cupboard.

6)The burglar puts something into the bag.

7)Mrs Crook phones the police.

8)Mrs. Crook gives her adress to the police.

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